Thursday, 1 May 2014

Chasing Dreams - Believe in Yourself

Take a moment and ask yourself - 
What's the Dream?

Not the one that you sleep soundly to when you rest your head at night but the one that makes you stare blankly at that ceiling and keeps you up for hours on end as you grapple with the conundrum of how do you turn that dream into a reality.

For some of us, life means something that we can't explain. It's our 'why', the reason why we breathe and what we believe deep down we were born to do.

Have you ever heard:

"You will fail."
"That's just life and just get on with it."
"Have realistic goals."
"That's not possible and to stop dreaming."
"That only happens to others. It won't happen to you."

These are the words of everyone who was ever too afraid to take the risks that you are willing to take. Those who are quick to remind you of the pitfalls awaiting you on your journey and even quicker when you fall do this because they are scared. Not for you but because that you may achieve something they were unable to. They didn't want to risk failure which is what separates you from them and why you must keep believing. 

You giving your all and failing is much better than you never attempting to achieve. And when you fail, who says you have? Falling at the first step, or the second, or the third or the hundredth step does not mean that it's the last step until you decide yourself which is the last you take.

I wrote this today because I received an inspiring e-mail and I wanted to try and share what they had done for me with everyone else who is becoming crippled by the niggles of self doubt. I wanted to help you break free of those vines that continue to try and creep up and hold you in place and release that drive which lies within to continue to pursue the dream.

Sing your song, write your book, win that trophy, get that girl or obtain that job you want, whatever it is that drives you and is what makes sense out of living to you, then pursue it with everything that you've got. Don't rely on someone else to make your dreams happen for you because that won't happen. Only you can drag yourself to that point.

Trust in yourself that you will achieve your goals.
Believe in yourself.
Make your dream your reality.